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About the project
Project coordination
WP1 - Data management
WP2 - Marine landscapes and habitats
WP3 - Blue corridors and Natura-2000
WP4 - Marine spatial planning
WP5 - Dissemination
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Data management

WP 1 (work package no. 1)

This WP focuses on data management, intercalibration and collation of data. See a presentations describing WP1 - ko8_wp1a.pdf (~100 kb) and ko9_wp1b_gis.pdf (~2100 kb) (The corresponding PowerPoint presentations can be obtained via the BALANCE Secretariat ( ) or from the authors).
The responsible partner is the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). Visit: BALANCE Data Portal

Strategic focus

  • Development of standards and protocols for intercalibration of sectoral data (biology, geology, oceanography).
  • Setting up a metadatabase portal.
Planned results
  • Standards for compatibility between sectors and countries.
  • Intercalibration of survey methodology.
  • Sharing of data between BSR countries and different sectors to facilitate better use of resources and enhance co-operation.


Information published on this website or extracts thereof is free for citing on the condition that reference is given to BALANCE
The project is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Programme
The contents of this website are the responsibility of the BALANCE Lead Partner:
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Haraldsgade 53, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark,
Tel.: +45 39472915 Fax: +45 39472765 E-mail:
Last modified : September 15, 2005
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