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WP1 - Data management
WP2 - Marine landscapes and habitats
WP3 - Blue corridors and Natura-2000
WP4 - Marine spatial planning
WP5 - Dissemination
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WP 5 (work package no. 5)

This WP focuses on dissemination of the BALANCE project. See a presentation describing WP5 - ko10_wp5.pdf (~110 kb) (The corresponding PowerPoint presentation can be obtained via the BALANCE Secretariat ( ) or from the authors).
The responsible partner is the National Forest and Nature Agency in Denmark.

Strategic focus

  • To enhance the public awareness of the Baltic Sea marine environment and its natural resources through dissemination of the BALANCE results.
Planned results
  • A web page.
  • Publication of BALANCE results through scientific papers, technical reports, newspaper articles, newsletter, and cruise reports.


Information published on this website or extracts thereof is free for citing on the condition that reference is given to BALANCE
The project is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Programme
The contents of this website are the responsibility of the BALANCE Lead Partner:
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Haraldsgade 53, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark,
Tel.: +45 39472915 Fax: +45 39472765 E-mail:
Last modified : Aug. 29, 2005
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