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WP1 - Data management
WP2 - Marine landscapes and habitats
WP3 - Blue corridors and Natura-2000
WP4 - Marine spatial planning
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9 August 2005






WP3 and WP4 Meeting

9 August 2005

Danish Forest and Nature Agency (SNS)


  1. Anna-Leena Nöjd
  2. Anna Sara Liman
  3. Åsa Anderson
  4. Georg Martin
  5. Jan Ekebom
  6. Jochen Lamp
  7. Ole Vestergaard
  8. Per Nilsson
  9. Thomas K. Sørensen
  10. Johnny Reker
  11. Jesper H. Andersen

WWF Sweden
WWF Sweden
University of Tartu
WWF Germany
BALANCE Project Coordinator
BALANCE Project Manager


Participants + website

Minutes by:




Opening of the Meeting


Information on other BALANCE activities


WP3 intro (tasks, expected results, timetable)


WP4 intro (tasks, expected results, timetable)


Summary of discussions in WP3 and WP4 sub-groups


Plan for the BALANCE Kick-off Meeting


Any other business




The Meeting was opened by Johnny Reker who welcomed the participants to the Danish Forest and Nature Agency.

The Meeting was chaired by Åsa Andersson and Jan Ekebom.


The Meeting was informed on the outcome of the meeting between WP1 and WP2 which took place on the 4th of July 2005 in Copenhagen. This meeting identified a need for information on how to communicate with and within the 5 work-packages. The BALANCE Secretariat will present detailed suggestions for this at the kick-off meeting. This meeting also presented the tasks and expected results of WP1 and WP2 and discussed: 1) projections, formats and platforms, 2) reporting sensu the MAREANO approach, 3) production of marine landscape maps.

The Meeting was informed about at planned workshop in October on distinction between landscapes and habitats.

The Meeting was also informed about the approval of BALANCE and the revision of the application. Despite a request from InterReg to make some changes, there are no changes in overall priorities. The changes are relating to:

  • Better descriptions of project activities: 1) sediment maps, video and seabed samples and 2) modelling of bottom salinity
  • Impact analysis
  • Establish a reference group
  • Implementation of "BaltCoast" recommendations
  • Norwegian funding
  • Co-operation with "Baltic Master"

The Meeting expressed a wish to obtain further information in relation to overall economic issues, e.g. contacting and employment of staff. The Meeting was informed that detailed information on reporting, auditing and payment will be presented at the kick-off meeting.


WP3 was briefly presented. The WP consist of 3 parts:

  1. Development of the concept of blue corridors including tools. This work be organised by Georg Martin, Per Nilsson, and Karsten Dahl.
  2. Evaluation of representativity of NATURA 2000 and MPA networks in the Baltic Sea including tools. This work will be organised by WWF Sweden.
  3. Evaluation of coherence of NATURA 2000 and MPA sites including tools. This work will be organised by SYKE and WWF Finland.

Jan Ekebom informed the Meeting about the HELCOM BSPA project, which e.g. evaluates the coherence of existing BSPAs and could be a starting point for the BALANCE activities focusing on representativity, connectivity and coherence of MPAs.

The Meeting stressed the importance of use same definitions and methods as other for a (EU, conventions, projects).

The Meeting also discussed concepts and scales. In this connection it was agreed that the marine landscapes in principle should be describe for the entire Baltic Sea, while habitat mapping should take place in the four pilot areas depending on data availability.

The Meeting also touched and discussed expectations to WP1 and WP2 in term of e.g. data formats and data requirements. Socio-economic data is also needed from WP4. It was suggested that the presentations at the kick-off meeting should put emphasis on "inter WP collaboration", e.g. expectations and needs. It was discussed if the might be a potential risk of gaps in data. It was agreed to reopen this discussion at the kick-off meeting.

The Meeting reiterated that the main output of WP3 is the tools e.g. for establishing blue corridors, evaluation of Natura 2000/MPA networks etc – not the evaluations as such. Tools have to be applicable and easy to use by users!

Per Nilsson pointed out that data sets with different exactness and accuracy will lead to differences in the specific outputs. In plain language: "Garbage in = garbage out". It was agreed to discuss this at the kick-off meeting and to find out what to do if data are not of a good quality.


WP4 was briefly introduced. This WP includes 3 activities:

  1. Overall umbrella focusing on guidelines following the concept of zoning plans. The work will be organised by Ole Vestergaard and Jan Ekebom.
  2. Evaluation of management efficiency (including selection of appropriate proxies/indicators or perhaps even quantitative tools, e.g. GIS). The work will be organised by Jan Ekebom.
  3. Stakeholder involvement. Special focus on area 2 and 3 is expected. It was suggested that the template for zoning plan could be developed in these areas. The work will be coordinated by Jochen Lamp.

The Meeting discussed the above 3 activities. The following questions were raised:

  • How should management efficiency be evaluated?
  • Will BALANCE focus on nature and/or fisheries management?
  • How can BALANCE improve the use of quantitative indicators?
  • How can recreational activities, e.g. housing and boating be evaluated?
  • Would or can BALANCE set up success criteria?
  • Should BALANCE identify requirements for monitoring?

During the discussion, it was put forward that: 1) The tools developed by WP3 should be tested and used (validate?) by WP4 e.g. for the work on zoning plans, 2) Monitoring guidelines could be a topic for "BALANCE II" (If so, the European Marine Strategy and EMMA-group (WG on Environmental Monitoring and assessment) should be taken onboard), and 3) Stakeholders have different or even conflicting interests. What do they want to protect? What are the goals? How will BALANCE involve stakeholders?


Summary of discussions in sub groups:


  • The 3 activities will sooner or later merge into one.
  • Zoning plan for GBR will be heavily used as an example.
  • GBR work has good ideas for stakeholder involvement (web based system) and communication (use of terms)
  • The kick-off meeting should start with WP4.
  • Use of words? Ecological quality and ecological resources instead of biodiversity and nature conservation.


  • Discussion of the understanding of coherence (combination of representativity and connectivity) as well as a common understanding is a prerequisite.
  • Workshop on coherence (milestone 3) has high priority.
  • A draft list describing data need from other work-packages was produced and should be further developed.
  • It was suggested that, when using MARXAN as a site selection tool for the selection of a representative network of MPAs, we should select for a number of different scenarios. A questionnaire could be sent to different countries / BALANCE partners to ask for there prime objectives.
  • The question on how to handle socio-economic data from WP4 was not solved as these data are not described yet.


The kick-off meeting will take place on the 31st of August and 1st of September in Copenhagen. An invitation and draft agenda has already been sent to all BALANCE partners.

All WP lead are required to present the plans and products of their respective WPs. The presentation should also include expectations to inputs from other WPs as well as expected outputs on which other WPs feed. A status as well as plans for WP5 will be presented at the kick-off meeting.

All WP (1-4) leads should prepare a draft agenda for the WP discussions on the 1st of September.

The BALANCE secretariat is preparing to present an overview on how the 104 BALANCE activities are linked to each other.


The BALANCE website is expected to be operational at the end of August.

Attachments: Annex 1: WP3 needs for data from other work-packages


WP4 - Marine spatial planning

Information published on this website or extracts thereof is free for citing on the condition that reference is given to BALANCE
The project is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Programme
The contents of this website are the responsibility of the BALANCE Lead Partner:
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Haraldsgade 53, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark,
Tel.: +45 39472915 Fax: +45 39472765 E-mail:
Last modified : Aug. 29, 2005
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